Dad’s stroke – Period Log, Image, and Correlation

From Period Log and Edward Louis Levin

PERIOD LOG 7/24/05

Dad’s stroke and complications
Dealing with it
How it impacts me

Where I am now in my life –

I’m a high school librarian
Dad had a stroke.
He was at Windsor Terrace over 100 days
He had a very bad infection
Was in Intensive Care 4 days, really came very close to dying
Now he’s back at Windsor
Much weaker
White in mouth from thrush difficult for him and for me
He’s afraid he’s going to be “kicked out” shortly because of insurance
I expressed to manager on duty
She set up tentative IDT meeting for Tuesday to clarify status
Mary talked with mom while I was driving here
Mom was very teary, which got Mary going too.

In the now moment all I can see is my dad and helping him through all this as well as I can.

And trying to keep my life going at the same time.

Maybe even grow from it.

1. Persons – Mom, dad, Mary, Rebecca, Lori, Claude, Luke, Betty, other therapists, Windsor Terrace administrators.

2. Work activities, outer projects – On vacation from school. Besides helping dad my projects are to sit, write, and go to the gym. Still attending Wednesday class meetings. Trying to work on prep for school year in background.

3. Body – I’m at 177. Much rather be about 170. Finally went to gym last week. Want to try to go at least once a week for remainder of summer break.

4. Society – I’m becoming more and more polticized because of extreme distaste for Bush, his admin, Arnold, right wing dominance. It’s so intense I want to harness, direct, and refine it to have positive effect.

5. Events – Dad’s stroke. The infection, which leads to complications and the whole setback.

Bombings in London, Bagdad, Egypt, etc. etc.

Rebecca failing RICA (and CSET section). Signing up for driving test.

6. Dreams – Fragments sometimes remembered in morning but no effort to capture.

Nice sense of peaceful letting go lying down to sleep.

7. Who inspires you? — Ramakrishna has definitely shown up during this period. (Lex Hixon as interpreter also inspiring).

8. Decisions – The decision to insert myself into clarifying institutional choices. May have to make some kind of decision in Tuesday meeting.

9. Meaning – Strong sense that being with this process is most powerful opportunity to be open to meaning dimension. Life and death (of one’s father) as teacher.


The “foaming” mouth [image from thrush infection mentioned in Dad’s stroke Period Log]

The swing in garage on Willoughby, dad gently pushing me.

Ramakrishna dancing, feminine energy.

My wife and her emotional sensitivity to what’s happening.

My mother bending under the emotional strain of this new, even more difficult phase.

Need to start asking Dad “What can I do to make you more comfortable?”

Angels starting to surround us when we’re together. (Look up angels in 2 Jewish books)

Allowing myself to dissolve into the light.

Seeing Charles Fogarty appearing with some angels.

Allowing, and cultivating, angelic energy.


The Period Log is practical, realistic, appropriately emotional.

The Period Image is an angelic dimension that surrounds it all but is not visible unless you open yourself to it.

Reading the 2 together I’m inspired to allow the Period Image to bleed over the edge & energize the more practical levels.

8/15 – After LMB [Santa Cruz Land of Medicine Buddha vacation] I appreciate all the healing energies moving toward ELL.

Helping birth a thriving life planetary consciousness