Dream Log

From Depth Dimension

10/20/16 – I had a dream about how incredibly helpless I am without caregiver support round the clock. I was being driven by a counselor in his panel truck back to the last day of a camp like the Mendocino Mosaic. He noticed as we parked in a dirt area that we were a little bit late. He was afraid he would get in trouble for being late, so he went off running down the road without telling me anything, leaving me stranded. I went running after him, somewhat slowly. In the dream I could walk but not speak or not quite play drums. As I ran I lost sight of him and he apparently made a turn at one of the increasingly urban roads that appeared. I was on a city street now, running slowly, retracing steps to where he parked his truck. Non sequitur dream logic. I realized even if I got to the truck he would have long since driven away. As I wandered the streets there were a couple of subplots, one involving a group of Afro-American girls in Oakland, the other one involving a band in a parade in San Diego. Staying on the main thread, I realized in my jeans and white t-shirt for camp that I had left my phone wherever we were staying. I was stranded in a strange city far from home, unable to speak, and with no phone to [text] my parents to help me get home. Then another long subplot about how I live with my parents in various houses that I have committed to but are overstretching them financially with even a sub subplot about my career difficulties. To return to the main thread, I finally find my way back to the dusty parking lot near the camp, where we originally parked, and to the ranger station, where the old ranger had witnessed the counselor abandoning me and running off. There was now a second old man with him. Two old white midwestern train depot officials from central casting. I was going to try to describe my pathetic plight to the main guy but he immediately started talking a mile a minute and wouldn’t let me get a word in edgewise. It was a million reasons they couldn’t do anything for me, Very defensive but definitively keeping me from stating my case. The dream ends.

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