1341 Laurel Avenue

From Third year is the charm and Palo Alto 1962-66. 

See also Psychedelics.

The picture is of a house on the same block from a 2017 real estate site. The house we lived in was very similar but much more run down and funky in 1965-66. It had a small ramshackle tool shed in the overgrown back yard. The houses have been cleaned up, remodeled, and were selling for about $2 million.

In 2002 I emailed Jon Manousos for his recollections about this house where we both lived during the Autumn (1965) and Winter (1966) quarters of my third year at Stanford. He wrote back,

“The house was located at 1341 Laurel Avenue, and there was an amazing cast of characters that passed through there over the 15 months or so that I was there. Dan Silva, Bob Lewis (the soon to be [jet fighter] pilot, Ted Claire (pre-army), Dick Moore, John Zerzan (now the preeminent anarchist philosopher), Fred Dingler, and this guy that rode a motorcycle and we used to refer to him as Spot Check due to an incident with the police that he related to us. Beyond that, it’s just the regular 60’s blur”.

While living in this house I took psychedelics in what I later documented as trips 4-9 and 13 and 14 in my Antioch Portfolio. What I called Trip #8 was two (or maybe more) trips I took alone in my room. What I wrote in 1976 is below.

8. House on Oakwood – Palo Alto (1965) [Actually 1341 Laurel Ave., Menlo Park, 1966]

P/R: A couple of times I took LSD in the house on Oakwood and spent almost the whole time listening to Bob Dylan and other contemporaries who seemed to be talking to my new consciousness. One of these times I spent about the last five hours writing down slogans that kept popping up as possibilities for buttons which were becoming a fad at that time.

S/K: I learned that there was a natural desire in me to do something creative with this surplus of energy.

Reading the above in 2017 I am reminded of another project from taking LSD in that house at that time. Inspired by William Burroughs’ cut up technique, I mixed two elements on the pages of a binder: random sentences from a school assignment I had typed and random panels from Marvel super hero comic books.

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