2013 Parker Palmer workshop

From Retirement courses and Findhorn New Story Community

While I was doing the pool rehab sessions, I wanted to take more classes but I realized it would probably be better if I could find an online course. I got an email from Parker Palmer’s Center for Courage and Renewal inviting me to his first ever online course, based on his newest book, Healing the Heart of Democracy. I jumped at it. The technology infrastructure was frustratingly weak for my speech problem, but I had an excellent experience in the homework for Week 4. A key concept was finding the “tragic gap” you want to live into. My note at the time says for me  “it is the gap between the out-of-control industrial growth society we live in and a sustainable way going forward for humans to relate to the earth.”

#7.3 of SA7. Retirement

This led directly to my second online course.

Helping birth a thriving life planetary consciousness