2019-04 Urinary bleeding (H7)

From Retirement medical issues

I went to the Kaiser ER the night of Saturday 4/27/19 because of blood in my urine. They admitted me to the hospital and put in a catheter.  Every few minutes I passed clots, which was very painful. When the Urologist came the next morning, and it was even brighter red, he said  the most likely cause of bleeding was scar tissue breaking away from the TURP procedure I had 6 years ago!

The first thing the Urologist said was he immediately saw that the nurses had inserted the catheter wrong. He very quickly corrected it. The unnecessary torture I had been experiencing the whole night ended.

The irrigated urine was bright red for about 24 hours, and then pink for about ten. I was discharged on the third day, when the urine had stabilized as normal color with no clots. I was sent home with the catheter for a week, before the follow up appointment to remove it.

But through a mixup in the scheduling system I was at home with the catheter for two weeks,  which was very difficult partly because sitting up was so painful that I had to be in bed on my back almost the whole time.

So from the January 28 fall to the April 27 urinary bleeding I was without the ability to stand and was limited to lying down and sitting up. For the first  two weeks of May I also lost the option of  sitting up. I regained that option on May 13 when they removed the catheter. Now I’m going to resume the Physical Therapy (that was interrupted by the urinary bleeding) to hopefully, finally, regain my ability to stand that was lost in  the fall of 1/28.

The cause of all that urinary bleeding remains a mystery. The only guess that anybody has put forth is the hospital urologist who says it’s probably scar tissue breaking off from the prostate surgery I had 6 years ago! My regular urologist, who did that surgery, says it’s possible but there’s no way to know without doing a full workup, which they won’t do unless the bleeding starts again.




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