4 immeasurables (brahma-viharas)

From Mantra Crystals


In this moment and while sitting I don’t (didn’t) remember what they are.

lovingkindness – metta

compassion – karuna

joy in the welfare of others – mudita

equanimity – upekkah

Fill it in after writing. Mu in the hara shifted to “lovingkindness meditation”. This is what came up last night when bickering with Mary and I wanted to cut through the surface tension to deeply shared love. When phrase came up sitting today, instead of shifting down into the phrases of lovingkindness it shifted up into the superset practice — 4 immeasurables. That’s what Ken calls them. I’m forgetting the Pali right now. I’m going to get some texts and fill in the missing words above. Also find which book Thích Nhat Hanh teaches this in.


Starting to work with lovingkindness phrases. Myself. Benefactor (Dalai Lama, Tenzin Wangyal). Friend (Dan Barnhart). Next is select a neutral person. Triggered by reading Dalai Lama’s “An Open Heart” and Wallace’s “Buddhism With an Attitude”. Shifting from wisdom/absolute into compassion/relative practices. Visualize Circle of Bliss mandalas with union of the 2. Red and white seed. Chakrasamvara and Vajravarahi.

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