Climate Change & Consciousness

From Retirement courses and Findhorn New Story community

I signed up for the live-streaming package for the Climate Change and Consciousness conference at Findhorn.

Their website said, “Climate Change & Consciousness: Our Legacy for the Earth, April 20-26 2019, was a collaborative and participatory investigation into how we can steward a sustainable future on what has already become a radically changed planet Earth. We have travelled to this ‘new’ planet on a burst of carbon dioxide. A new planet requires new ways of living.

The conference brought together eminent scientists, wisdom keepers, business people, activists, artists, entrepreneurs, young people and others, to envision and begin to inhabit our joint future. It was an international, inter-generational and multi-disciplinary gathering, following the principle of ‘the big tent‘, borrowed from party politics, whereby diverse viewpoints, backgrounds and interests (the ‘voices in the room’) are brought together to engage and dialogue.”

Helping birth a thriving life planetary consciousness