Left hip surgery 1 (12/22/14)

From Retirement Medical Issues

After recovering from my 2012 right hip surgery and finishing my course of water therapy, I was able to exercise by walking around the block with my cane. As the other hip wore out, the cane was mostly just to keep weight off of it. There was no pain in the new right artificial hip. I then had a series of falls, on outings and around the house, as the left hip deteriorated. After the fourth fall, in February 2014, I started using a walker and stopped driving.

Finally when I could no longer put off the left hip surgery, I had it on 12/22/14. The recovery in the hospital was much less traumatic than the right hip. I was walking with the walker on the day after the surgery, ate well, and felt very strong. The prospect of being able to walk again looked very good.

At the three week follow up with the surgeon we found that the 1% chance of infection had landed on lucky me.. I had a very serious MRSA infection that required another surgery immediately to clean out the artificial hip.

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