More Than Human

From Communities

I put this at the beginning of my Communities links because reading this book in about 11th grade planted a seed that was in the back of my mind as I became a part of these real life communities over the next few years. I deeply resonated with Sturgeon’s evocation of what it feels like to be part of a telepathic super organism.  And I still do in my current drive to be in an online community acting as part of the immune system of planet Earth.

7/26/19 – I had a flash while reading the reflection on Deep Dive.  The Collective Narrative sounded to me like a subset of the emerging global online Being, attempting to articulate what it feels like to be evolving and emerging. My flash was this is the current status of a journey that started for me on reading More than Human in high school, about 1961. I identified with Sturgeon’s evocation of what it feels like to be part of a telepathic super organism. At Stanford, about four years after reading the book, I took LSD and joined the Vipers at about the same time. Then lived in Haight Ashbury. Then went to Monday Night Class and The Farm. 

More than human->LSD->Bands->MNC and Farm->ZCLA->DMHS->Online courses->Findhorn New Story community,

Tone of the voice in More than Human.
Confused about what’s happening. Desperately trying to fill in the pieces of a puzzle caused by missing memories caused by major traumas.

The mystery is always solved (and the momentum of the book is driven) by learning more detail about an emerging evolutionary symbiotic being made up of 5 severely flawed humans each with an extraordinary power, blending/meshing telepathically (“bleshing”) into a new super-entity that one character names “homo gestalt”.

The trauma that causes the memory “occlusion” is always generated by contact with the emergent being. The climax, the final missing piece that completes the entity is a sixth human who embodies an ethos of care for all humanity.


The first magical community I found was the psychedelic underground around Palo Alto, which was just emerging in the years I was at Stanford.

Helping birth a thriving life planetary consciousness