Session 1 – Introduction: Journey Overview

From Living the New Story –  Series 3

Intention posted to group page – I intend to open fully to the power of this group field to help focus and skillfully leverage its deep desire to heal our world.

 Questions for ongoing reflection and dialogue

1-What thread of the new story are you carrying?

2-How can we honour the best of the old story and integrate it into the new?

3-How can we awaken to ourselves as powerful evolutionary leaders who have come to the planet at this time with a specific and significant role to play?

4-What are some small, yet tangible steps you can take to begin to accelerate a new story for humanity?

5-What are some of the local new story initiatives in your own community?

6-What are some recent new story movement milestones you’re witnessing in the world around you?

Helping birth a thriving life planetary consciousness