Session 1 – Introduction: Journey Overview with Mattie Porte

From Great Turning Experiment

My Journey Intent from the guided exercise in Session 1:

I intend to help find a place in the Earth’s web of systems that would be the best focus for a whole group action project.

Questions for Ongoing Reflection and Dialogue

1-Imagine your ideal world. The Great Turning is upon us. The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible is within us. How are you living your life in this new world?

See yourself as the objective witness to your life’s unfolding. Hover above your current situation to obtain an unobstructed bird’s eye view. Connect with your soul’s purpose for being here now. Hold your intention clearly and allow it to inform your reflection and your journey as a whole.

This is an exercise that you will revisit iteratively throughout the journey. 

2-We’ve created a Worksheet to support you to explore this question, which you can download here.

More Beautiful Life Worksheet

Keep in mind that all areas of your life highlighted below are interconnected with natural overlaps. Feel free to add your own columns or change the wording to suit your own needs and resonance. 

Write your journey intent across the top of the Worksheet and allow it to inform your reflection.

For each area of your life, identify:

3. Where are you now? Be honest, yet gentle with yourself.

4. Where would you like to be 4 months from now?

5. How are you living in your ideal world? What is different? How do you feel?

6. What is a small step you can take right now in each area to narrow the gap between your ideal and current reality?

7. Obstacles: What may get in the way? How can you overcome the obstacles?

8. What support can you put in place to realise your intent? Who can you call upon to support you to live your Great Turning? You are invited to create a network of trusted others with whom you can share your intentions, next steps and milestone moments. Tune into and write down the names of those you would like to invite to take on these 3 roles in your network:

1st Role: To Support You – someone to witness, nourish, and encourage you; someone to check things out with and talk things over with; someone who will offer the gifts of empathy and deep listening.

2nd Role: To Challenge You – someone to help you to see your blind spots, provide perspective, gently confront you when needed to support you to live your Great Turning and realise your full potential.

3rd Role: To Celebrate You – someone with whom to cocreate a celebratory space in which to share in your progress, joys, achievements and successes.

Once you are in your Buddy Group, it may be that you identify your new buddies to form part of your ongoing support network.

Helping birth a thriving life planetary consciousness