Session 2 – Emergence of a New Human Species

From Living the New Story – Series 2 

Barbara Marx Hubbard is a visionary social innovator and educator and a prolific author of 9 books. She is also the co-founder and co-chair of The Foundation for Conscious Evolution and president of Evolutionary Academy. She is currently producing a year long global intensive: “Awaken New Species” with Humanity’s Team and Steve Farrell. Barbara is co-chair of the Center of Integral Wisdom and is writing three books with the Center President Marc Gafni to Evolve the Source Code of our Culture. She is a co-founder of The Association for New Thought (AGNT), the World Future Society, and a member of the Club of Budapest. Barbara is also a Fellow of the Findhorn Foundation.

  1. What would your life be like if you consciously committed to a deep Yes to your own self-evolution?

  2. How are you already consciously evolving within yourself? What support could you call upon to evolve even further to support a planetary awakening of the new human species?

  3. What are the memes that create your current reality and how do they operate in your life? Which ones represent devolution and which ones represent evolution? (Memes, meaning the ideas you hold in your head that create your concept of reality.)

  4. What would it look like for you to become vocationally aroused? What examples can you draw on of times in your life when you really felt turned on in your vocation? Paint this picture in as much detail as possible.

  5. What is your unique vocation as a member of the new species if you go the whole way with it?

  6. What capacities of the new human species are already operating in your life? What capacities would you most like to develop more of and what steps can you take to actualise them?

  7. What experiences do you have of joining your unique genius in shared purpose with others? Describe in detail how this felt and what effect it had on your life and on those around you.

Helping birth a thriving life planetary consciousness