Session 2 – The Miracle of Our Cosmogenic Myth

From Living the New Story – Series 4

Questions for ongoing reflection and dialogue


1. What experiences do you have of communicating with multidimensional realities? Recall the earliest instance of this experience in your life. Perhaps it was in early childhood before you were told that it was ‘all in your imagination’ or before you realised that it may be unsafe to share your direct experiences with the adult world.


2. How might you play your part to naturalise multidimensional communication in your life to serve transformational change in the world?


3. How have you experienced the journey that Jude describes from loneliness to aloneness to oneness? Where are you right now in your evolution? What might support you on the journey to oneness?


4. How can this new story of unified reality and unity in diversity empower you to live your life with ‘real magic’?


5. What ‘supernormal superpowers’ have you cultivated in your life? How can you wholistically employ these powers in service for the benefit of others?


6. What small steps can you take to begin to ‘re-member’ and consciously sustain the ‘wholeworld view’ that mind and consciousness aren’t something we have; they are literally what we and the whole world are?


7. What still needs to change in you to truly intend humanity’s highest purpose as Jude frames it – our highest intention of love?

Helping birth a thriving life planetary consciousness