Session 3 – Living the New Economy

From Living the New Story –  Series 3

Charles Eisenstein is a speaker and writer focusing on themes of human culture and identity. He is the author of several books, including Sacred Economics, The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible, and, more recently, Climate: A New Story. His background includes a degree in mathematics and philosophy from Yale, a decade in Taiwan as a translator, and stints as a college instructor, a yoga teacher, and a construction worker. He currently writes and speaks full-time. He lives in Asheville, North Carolina with his wife and four children.

Questions for ongoing reflection and dialogue

  1. What is your present relationship to the realm of money? How have you been conditioned to think about money and its value or necessity in your life? In what ways has money served as compensation or security?

  2. How have you experienced the spirit-matter rupture in your life? How does this affect your relationships with self, others, your community, Nature?

  3. What aspect of your life right now is begging to be reclaimed from the realm of quantity or money?

  4. Do you agree that it is possible to transition to a new story of economics and a society built on its two key features of uniqueness and relatedness – a world that embodies the spirit of living in the gift?

    If you agree, what small steps can you begin to take now to welcome sacred economics into your life and to begin to give your gifts to your community for the enrichment of all?If you disagree, what is it that currently stands in the way of the possibility to cocreate the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible?

  5. What radically life-altering events have shaped you – synchronicities, mystical experiences, or healing experiences – things that revealed to you that what is possible or what is real, and the way things are, is too limited and that reality and possibility are so much more than you had accepted? How can you become an agent of bringing those experiences to other people, specifically the experiences that take us out of the old story of separation and are at home in the new story of interbeing?

Helping birth a thriving life planetary consciousness