Session 4 – Grief and Gratitude

From Great Turning Experiment

Joanna Macy PhD, is an ecophilosopher and a scholar of Buddhism, general systems theory, and deep ecology. A respected voice in the movements for peace, justice, and ecology, she interweaves her scholarship with five decades of activism. Joanna is the author of World as Lover, World as Self, Coming Back to Life, Active Hope, co-authored with Chris Johnstone, and ten other books. She is the root teacher of the Work That Reconnects, a ground-breaking theoretical framework and workshop methodology for personal and social change. Joanna is also a long-term Findhorn Fellow.

Chris Johnstone is a specialist trainer for resilience and wellbeing. He has worked in this field for over thirty years, and through his online courses, he now reaches people from more than 60 countries. After working for many years as a doctor and addictions specialist in the UK health service, he now focuses on coaching, mentoring, writing and training, particularly through online courses at The College of Wellbeing. His books include Active Hope, co-authored with Joanna Macy, and Seven Ways to Build Resilience.

Questions for Ongoing Reflection and Dialogue

  1. What effect did Joanna’s oral transmission of the Shambhala Warrior Prophecy have on you? You may want to listen deeply to the video again and ask yourself, What if this were about me? What if I were to step into, and step up to, the role of being a Shambhala Warrior?

    Do you feel a powerful summoning? If so, what is the nature of that summoning?

    What in your bones do you feel you are called to do?

    What if you were to really train yourself to turn up as best you can to play your part, to turn away from the things that cause harm, and turn towards a way of doing, and being and thinking, that supports the flourishing of life? What would that look like and how can you train yourself?

  2. What’s it like to look from gratitude, to start from gratitude?

  3. How comfortable are you with making space for your grief?

    What happens in you when you try to numb your pain for our world in crisis?

    What happens in you when you invite your grief in and make space for it?

    What resources you to hold your pain for the world?

  4. What points of unexpected resilience and creative power can you tap into by looking at history from the expanded point of view of deep time?

  5. After contemplating deep time to support you to see with new eyes in going forth from this point, consider:

    What tender little seedlings can I tend to? What is it I want to grow?

    What is the story that I want to happen through me?

    What am I going to give myself to?

    What are the hopes or intentions that I’m going to put myself behind to play a role in helping to manifest the Great Turning?

  6. How does our Session 4 content inform ‘Your More Beautiful Life’? Set aside ample reflective space to review ‘Your More Beautiful Life’ worksheet and incorporate the learning from Session 4.

    Remember, cultivating your more beautiful life is an iterative process, so be sure to engage deeply with this question and allow your soul force to breathe new life and conscious expansion into each category of your worksheet.

    Allow Spirit to guide you and flow freely through you for your very highest unfolding at this stage in the journey.

Helping birth a thriving life planetary consciousness