Session 6 – A Revolution of Love: Building Communities of Trust

From Living the New Story – Series 2

Vera Kleinhammes is a second generation leader at Tamera Peace, Research and Education Centre in Portugal. She leads the Global Campus, a network of local peace initiatives around the world, creating educational centers for autonomous, decentralized communities of trust, working toward a post-capitalist world, free of war. Vera is deeply connected to our planetary network, serving the courageous peace workers and initiatives, especially in crisis areas and countries of the Global South. She is a leader in establishing Tamera’s Israel-Palestine network and is also part of the internal leadership team at Tamera.

  1. What are practices that you have, or want to develop, that remind you on a daily basis of the unity of life?

  2. Can you see a healed image of the future and what would your contribution be towards its realisation?

  3. How have you experienced community in your own life?

  4. Recall a time when you worked with others on a community project. What were the elements and values that underpinned the project? How did it feel to be able to bring your gifts and talents and to work together for the good of the whole?

  5. How do you experience global consciousness and global heart? How can you cultivate ever deeper levels of consciousness?

  6. What is a small step you could take towards coming together and fostering community right where you are?

  7. Experiment with the practices of deep sharing and truth telling with trusted others. You may wish to gather 2 or 3 close friends or family members and create a space for sharing and truthful feedback. Allow yourself to be open to mirrors from the group to support your growth and development.

Helping birth a thriving life planetary consciousness