Session 6 – Our Magnificent Mystical Journey to Empowerment

From Living the New Story – Series 4

Caroline Myss is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. Caroline established her own educational institute in 2003, CMED (Caroline Myss Education), which offers a diverse array of programs devoted to personal development and draws students from all over the world. Her best-selling books include Sacred Contracts, Anatomy of the Spirit, Archetypes, Why People Don’t Heal And How They Can, Invisible Acts of Power, Entering the Castle, and Defy Gravity. Caroline is also a Fellow of the Findhorn Foundation.

Questions for ongoing reflection and dialogue

1-How aware are you of the myths rumbling inside you? How aware are you of the importance of being aware of them? Look back over your ‘Myth, Magic & Miracles’ journal and identify and describe them in their current form. How aware are you of your personal myth changing, about how it is talking to you and how you are talking to it? Describe how it is influencing you in both grand and small ways.

 2-What superstitions are operating in your life about the cosmos and your place in it? Which of your own myths are crumbling as they are no longer of service?

 3-Caroline shares that a great transformation is being played out in the cosmos and in the transformation of how we must come to understand law. The nature of the Divine is law: the laws of nature, the laws of our biology, the laws of the universe, the laws of the planets, the laws of the tides, the laws of medicine, the laws of science and the laws of mysticism. Reflect on your own understanding of these laws. What influence do they have in your life and in the unfolding of your personal myth and, in turn, our collective cultural myth?

 4-What is your current relationship to power? Between now and our next session, focus your attention on the power dynamics that play out in your daily life. Be ruthlessly honest with yourself. Notice the source of your power and whether you are seeking power externally or from your interior self. Contrast and compare the differences and record these dynamics in your journal in as much detail and specificity as possible. Experiment with the practice of transitioning from ‘the love of power’ to ‘the power of love’. Notice to what degree you are able to experience this transition and record the effects in your journal along with any obstacles you encounter. How might you overcome these obstacles? What support can you draw on?

 5-How is empowering others difficult for you and why? Openly and closely examine the perceived threat to the self in empowering others. What would support you to overcome this threat thereby freeing up more love and the propensity to empower others unconditionally?

 6-What can you say with genuine conviction you have faith in? In what ways has your faith mechanism been shattered throughout your life? To reclaim and cultivate strengthened faith, first begin to practise esteeming yourself (meaning that you give your word to yourself and keep it without betraying yourself in even the smallest of ways). As a further refinement of service, continue to practise empowering others and having enough faith in yourself to keep your word without betraying the other in even the smallest of ways. Notice the changes that take place in your relationship with self and others. Notice how your sense of inner faith and trust begins to strengthen. Record your experiences in your journal.

 7-Caroline encourages us to prayerfully and humbly ask these questions every day: How shall I use this gift of my life today? 

How shall I grace this place?

How shall I be of service?

Practise this daily during the coming weeks and notice what influence this has on your personal myth. Be sure to record your experiences and insights in your journal

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