Session 7 – The Power of Community

From Living the New Story

Kosha Joubert (MSc Org. Dev.) is Executive Director of the Global Ecovillage Network. She is an experienced international facilitator, trainer, and consultant, working extensively with community empowerment, intercultural collaboration and sustainable development. Kosha grew up in South Africa under Apartheid and has been dedicated to building bridges across divides ever since. She has lived in ecovillages for the past 25 years. Kosha is also co-founder of Gaia Education, which develops cutting-edge sustainability trainings, and is co-author of the international Ecovillage Design Education. Kosha received the 2017 Dadi Janki Award – 100 Women of Spirit – for engaging spirituality in life and work and making a difference in the world.

Questions for ongoing reflection and dialogue

The following questions for reflection are designed to support you in integrating the content of the session and enlivening your learning journey and process of self-discovery between now and our final session. In Session 8, you’ll have a chance to share your insights, and, of course, you are also encouraged to share your ‘ah-ha’ moments and questions in our ‘Living the New Story’ Facebook Group between now and then. You may also wish to engage in dialogue with each other using our Open Zoom line. We encourage you to use this space to engage more deeply with these questions.

1. What does community mean to you?

2. What experiences do you have of community in your life?

3.How do you cultivate intimacy? What holds you back? How can you remove any barriers to cultivating even deeper intimacy?

4.How do you experience conflict in community? What processes support you to resolve conflicts?

5. How do the four pillars of sustainability operate in your life and in your community? Social, economic, ecological and culural – whole systems design.

6. How have you catalysed change in your own community? How has your community catalysed change in you? Bring to mind two or more examples of each.

7. Starting close in, what is a next step you can take in your life right now to begin to build, or further nurture, community where you are – with your circles of friends, neighbours, family, animals, nature – everything that your life touches?

Continue to practise asking and attending to these questions in relation to yourself and also in communion with others. Notice what emerges and share about your experience in our Facebook Group and on the Open Zoom line calls. Allow your inner compass to direct and support you as you cultivate deeper intimacy and awaken to the regenerative power of community to catalyse change in your life and in the world around you.

Helping birth a thriving life planetary consciousness