
From Strands 

The second course is study or learning. Study provides sharpness and intelligence. People usually study before they begin something, but I like my study of things, be they livelihood, social action, or spirituality, to be simultaneous with my practice of livelihood, social action, or spirituality. In this way, study is never merely abstract.

From Instructions to the Cook by Bernard Glassman and Rick Fields

High School English (1961-2)

Colleges and Trainings (1962-2004)

Stanford Transcript (1962-66)

Independent Reading in Buddhism and Psychotherapy (1962-1976)

Software and System Development Training (1981-96)

Independent Scholar’s Journal (1985-91)

Retirement courses (2011-present)

An emerging pattern (2012)

Books I finished since 1985 – most recent first (2019)

Current study topics (2020)

The Dream of the Earth


The vajra family reflects a blue energy like a crystal-clear mirror. Vajra energy reflects what it sees without bias. When people manifest the wisdom aspect of vajra, they are clear-minded with an intellectual brilliance, sharp and precise. They maintain a perspective and are full of integrity. Vajra also has a self-righteousnes that can harden into cold or hot anger. When people manifest the confused quality of vajra, they can be overly analytical, critical, opinionated, authoritarian and demanding of perfection.

From “The Five Buddha Families” by Irini Rockwell, Lion’s Roar online, September 5, 2018

Helping birth a thriving life planetary consciousness