Let go of attachment to lineage & empowerment

From Mantra Crystals and Unpacking my attachment to the myth of dharma transmission

This is a phrase I used as a Mantra Crystal.


This came out of Dialog with Roshi last week. It came up in my sitting this morning and I sat with it.


Following the trail from Dialog with Works: Zen Priest, to Dialog with People: Nakao 8/30/04, to Dialogue with People: Maezumi 12/29/04 brings me to this as my koan. I’ll try to sit with it again some more. 


We’re in the ceremony at Mendocino (procession about to start) to help me reframe this. On the road of life and death this is the initiatory moment. Seven years after leaving ZCLA I am completing the long initiatory process. See 8/22/2008 Daily Log – Mendocino

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