The Three Tenets of Zen Peacemakers

From Daily Vows and Zen Peacemakers

NOT-KNOWING – letting go of fixed ideas about yourself, others, and the universe.

BEARING WITNESS to the joy and suffering of the world

TAKING ACTION that arises from Not-Knowing and Bearing Witness 

I commit myself to Not-knowing, the source of all manifestations, and seeing all manifestations as the teachings of Not-knowing.

I commit myself to Bearing Witness, by encountering all creations with respect and dignity and by allowing myself to be touched by the joys and pain of the universe.

I commit myself to Healing, by inviting all hungry spirits into the mandala of my practice and using my energy and love for healing myself, the earth, humanity, and all creations.

Article by Egyoku Nakao Roshi about the Three Tenets

Hold to the Center” – Article from Tricycle from which that was extracted

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