Spiritual Steppingstones – August 8, 2008

From Meaning Dimension , Wholeness and Integration,  and Interactive overview tables

Here’s an interactive table based on the most recent time I did the Spiritual Steppingstones exercise in my Progoff Journal. Below the table is my reflection on reading it for the first time.

1955Youthful intimation of a boundless universe
1A-1.1 and 1B-1.1
1962Reading Alan Watts
1A-1.5 and 1B-1.5
1965Taking LSD
1972Meeting Roshi
1973Therapy with Pat 1973-1979
1995Roshi dies in my 22nd year with him (22 years, 9 months)
1997 Dharma Holder ceremony with Yeo just before he crashes
1997Rejected by new Abbot. Final blow 10/6/97
2001Therapy with Scott during transition ZCLA to Clarington
2002Feeling “found” in dance
2007First Mendocino retreat
2008Reading and thinking about Jack, Michael, Luis, and Orland all year

1st reading – Sitting in LAX waiting for a flight to Oakland for 2nd Mosaic retreat. 

The issue is still separation/individuation from Roshi. This time there are 2 therapy experiences. Partially influenced by being about half way through reading Jack Kornfield’s The Wise Heart. 

The relationship with Roshi looks real. The message of Yeo and Nakao is you have completed before you got to us. Things fall apart. Thrown into the larger world,

Feels like coming back to drumming, dance, music, rhythm, play, imagination, art, after deep plunge into stillness within.

Wholeness within, that’s the phrase reading Meade’s World Within the World this morning.

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